Friday, June 16, 2006

Time to satisfy your curiosity


Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

so is this the saved life? in that case, yaaayyy! super cute.

Tainted Female said...



CG said...


You could have had him....but he is sooooooo soooooo cute....even when he knocks on the bedroom window in the middle of the night...anyway he is off to the farm in a few days :(

CG said...

SS....No , this is not the life to be saved, although I did save his. UFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF I told you not to tax your brain so hard...hehe

moryarti said...

What milk do you use? S26?


BuJ said...

aha.. the saved life!!! it never occured to me!

i swear this is messed up.. just been seeing these 3 ladies' pics.. one is a stone face, one is a snake face, and one is a belly face!

what happened to good old human face?

so who did u save? that stupid driver u did NOT run down when he decided to cut in front of u?

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Isn't it fascinating how UFF is so universally used linguistically?

Well I didn't tax my brain, my hard disc of a head sort of doesn't forget easily. Can't help it. But what a cutie to save, ey? :)

(Hence the Hard Disc face buj lol)

Jayne said...

Awwwwwww so cute! (So glad I don't eat meat!)

* said...

ooooh tho thweet!
yEH OKAY ! Who is bringing the BBQ sauce then?

Taunted said...

Mmm, I just absolutely Lurve VEAL!!