Monday, May 04, 2009

Watch out for the begs....

I found this here


Dubai Photo Story said...

So we should ban the import of meat from begs.... bloody begs....!! Down with the begs.

nzm said...

I pig to differ, begs are cute.

Jayne said...

I'm so glad I stocked up on a heap of beg products, before they were all taken away.

Begs? Who the hell spat this crap out?

* said...

Puts a whole new spin on

Lol! CG where do you find these things.

BuJ said...

oh great thing boss.. great bost...
so we gotta watch out, u know, for those begs..

please! I pig your bardon!

CG said...

Glad you all enjoyed the begginess of the situation.
I would not have been so surprised by the spelling error had it not been in an official pdf on the Ministry of Healths own website, AND it was directly underneath the paragraph regarding education.