As you all know I have a slightly addictive nature. Once started on a project I can not seem to let go until I have missed a lot of sleep and finally realised that it served no purpose other than to satisfy myself that I knew everything.
About a year ago I embarked on the 'family tree' hunt. You know how this one goes, in a kind of morbid quest to find oneself we dig and dig, secretly hoping to discover a weird or whacky twist in our ancestors lives that will possibly shine some light into why we are who we are. Confused? Of course. But it will happen, and you will search like I did. I ended up with over 3,000 relatives spanning some 13 countries. My tree became so large that would you believe me if I told you that I could slot you in there? Yes, I found out where I descended from, and it has helped me none. I am your sister dude. We are all related.
A few weeks ago I was informed by a very kind doctor that my cholesterol levels are not where they should be. W H A T? No No No. This kind of stuff does not happen to me. I mean, I am a healthy chick. I don't really care for burgers. I do not over-indulge in oily foods. I told this doctor to stick his lipids results and he would see in 2 months time that he was wrong. very wrong.
Addcition sets in. I study cholesterol like my life depends on it (may be true). I realise that my 'healthy' lifestyle may have not been so good for me after all. Standing on the power plate for a few minutes a day does nothing for the cardio, so it is back to the treadmill for me. Diet - UH OH.....too many rich lobster thermidors swimming in a buttery, cheesy sauce are .......omg...I cannot say it. Banned.
My new healthy regime consists of flax seeds in my oatmeal, and sprinkled on everything, never ending bowls of blueberries, blackberries and mounds of cholesterol reducing nuts. Smoked mackerel and tins of Omega 3 rich John West products (dolphin friendly, of course). A cob of corn every evening is my biggest treat. I am pounding the treadmill at every available opportunity. I am crazed. Delirious. OBSESSED.
and then I read the following:
The view that a change in diet (specifically, a reduction in dietary fat and cholesterol) can lower blood cholesterol levels, and thus reduce the likelihood of development of, amongst others, coronary artery disease (CHD) has been challenged. An alternative view is that any reductions to dietary cholesterol intake are counteracted by the organs such as the liver, which will increase or decrease production of cholesterol to keep blood cholesterol levels constant.
I need a Cadburys creme egg. biryani bulging with hunks of meat and potatoes, glistening with saffron. murgh makhani. Naan. lobster. slab of rump, medium-rare pls. any kind of mornay. sauce. rich, creamy. breadcrumbs. under the grill. bubbling, oozing butter. yum.
We have one life & I for one will carry on smoking my 40 odd fags a day, will drink my coffee & eat my peanut butter sarmies (dunked in aforementioned coffee). I don't eat red meat & don't drink alcohol. The last time I had a cholesterol test it was fine, but that was about 4yrs ago. I'm in no hurry to get another one!
I'll 2nd the lobster thermidor hon & will have a Cadbury's CCE just for you :-)
damn that woz a good post!
"I need a Cadburys creme egg. biryani bulging with hunks of meat and potatoes, glistening with saffron. murgh makhani. Naan. lobster. slab of rump, medium-rare pls. any kind of mornay. sauce. rich, creamy. breadcrumbs. under the grill. bubbling, oozing butter. yum."
i'd say everything is so yummy in that para.. except the egg@@@@@@
Jayne with a why, oh why, now I know. You are right. And I too shall think like you, once my grandchildren are born. For now I need to raise some kids;
BUJJJJJI...O M G, I have been forever wondering just what it is that makes you stand out from the crowd. Now I have the answer.
Creme eggs, or should I say dislike of creme eggs. You need to see a shrink to find out what exactly your Mom did right (or wrong) to create you. Unfortunately you shall never feel the pleasure of 2 creme eggs stuffed in your mouth (yes, all 334calories) together, oozing the delicious glucosey mixture down your throat. ahhh JOY
boss, sarcasm nor flattery suit you very well.. you've been meant for point-blank directness and in-yer-face moments!!
Pls no need for such fancy wording.. nothing will ever make me like cream eggs!!
i guess the concept is akin to me trying to convince u that a small chocolate turkey is a nice thing.. turkeys are meant to be eaten with something savoury and usually hot.. so are eggs.. not as cold chocolate.
Have an authentic juicy, tabouli filled pickled shwarmah, and you shall forever find nirvana. I'm having a steak dinner at the 4 seasons in TO, I'm craving an authentic SHJ shwarmah!
Slurp! :)
Why not try some chicken meat, especially chicken breast? They are low in cholestrol and good for health. :)
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