Friday, June 29, 2007


Ok, being polite about all of this road toll shit is a waste of time. Now I will spell it out clearly. YOU CANNOT ANNOUNCE WHERE TO PLACE THE TAGS ON PARTICULAR VEHICLES A FEW DAYS BEFORE THE LAUNCH. AFTER PUSHING EVERYONE TO BUY AND PREPARE THEIR you tell us. YOU FUKKERS. Come and lick my A$$ and bring me a new sticker, and then place it on my vehicle yourfuckingselves. I have 2 vehicles that have definately got the tag in the wrong place and one vehicle I don't know about....cos you are saving that bombshell for after we have clocked up a few weeks fines (one would imagine).


Tainted Female said...

I've been following this whole salik ordeal in the papers, and all I can say is... Thank GOD I'm not there right now. I'd hate to put up with the hysteria it's causing (though I do support the tolls) there's so little organization to the system people seem to be up in arms over the whole thing!

BTW, miss our morning chats!

BuJ said...


Jayne said...

Dubuy seems to be running out of money, so Mo's gotta find the dosh somewhere else innit?

(Tainted has surfaced? & Buj is non-commital seeing as the salik fee is a damn sight cheaper than the London congestion charges)

* said...

Too true.
Amen to Abu Dhabi (for now)
And yes, look its Tainted all the way over from Canada.(waves).

PossessedFarasha said...

al tayer !! al tayer is the guy u wanna get hold of

and dont stop bloggin!!

BuJ said...

hope the mood has improved :)

Ammaro said...

how u guys dealin with it now? the whole salik thing, i mean