Friday, November 03, 2006


Hello all,
well as you can see I am back in town. The roads shall once again be filled with terror (Mr M...take note).
I had a good trip (being polite.. It was crap as usual).
Been to London for daughters visit to Great Ormond street. Nothing new to report on that side, and anything worth mentioning is purely depressing so shall save that for a later post.
The weather dropped to -1 on my last night, and I don't think I have ever felt so cold. I didn't know how to turn the heating on so decided to use a plug in style heater. I placed it on the window sill next to the bed. Bad idea. How the EFF was I supposed to know it would suck the curtains in and nearly re-enact the great fire of London?

Anyhow, besides all the above I had a marvellous day at Brighton Pier (It is mandatory on every uk trip) and poured a couple of hundred pounds into the slots. This is the second time this year that the Helter Skelter ride has been closed. Each time the sign said the ride operator would return in 30 minutes. He never appeared and I am hugely dissapointed.

More later. Now lunch and sleep.


moryarti said...

so, it was you who cut me off the other day ... I must seek revenge!!!!

Welcome back ;)

nzm said...

Welcome back.

We're still suffering in Berlin, and last night a few snowflakes dared to fall, but luckily the ground is still too warm for them to stay.

We're looking forward to getting back to warmer weather on the 10th!

BuJ said...

ahlan wa sahlan! welcome back to the emirates :)

the driving was good in dubai this time.. but with a lack of chevies hehe

BuJ said...

PS: what's up with the Chinese-looking chap on the top of your blog towards the left? he's been there for ages!

CG said...

I know buj. he needs to be cut short and quic. anyone got a nice pic for me to put up there then email it to me

All pics will be viewed.

Jayne said...

Welcome back!

Shaykhspeara Sha'ira said...

Welcome home. Just got back myself too. I put up a Cat Stevens Song on the blog...hmm don't know if you can hear it, if stickam is still blocked.

* said...

I missed you the MOST! (sucking up to Chevy girl.....)

CG said...

Keep on sucking Kaya.......
you are nearly there. Now what do you want?

BuJ said...

How about this pic? We can pretend it's your office or something.

CG said...

pretend? Buj, what are you on these days....and the pics of stoves on your blog are almost worrying.

Al Ain Taxi said...

That the helter skelter guy has been dead for years but they do believe in reincarnation in Brighton so they will never take that sign down just in case he does come back in 30 minutes...BTW, nice to see you back!

CG said...

taxi??? he is DEAD?

Crikey. Imagine spending your whole life doing spastic helter skelter rides ..... and then that is IT?
